Health coaching is an emerging field within health and wellness. Since it’s not yet well known, you may have preconceived notions on what health coaching is. To help you, I’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and their answers.
What is Health Coaching?
Health coaching is the use of evidence-based skillful conversation, clinical strategies, and interventions to actively and safely engage clients in health behavior change to better self-manage their health, health risk(s), and acute or chronic health conditions resulting in optimal wellness, improved health outcomes, lowered health risk, and decreased health care costs.
– Huffman, M., Miller, C. (2015). Evidence-based health coaching for healthcare providers (3rd ed.). Winchester, TN: Miller & Huffman Outcome Architects, LLC.
In short, a health coach sounds a lot like a doctor or therapist. A health coach studies their client’s health problems. But, that’s where similarities end. Doctors and therapists look at problems from one angle. For example, a chiropractor looks at physical problems. On the other hand, a health coach looks for the problem’s root cause from every angle. Another difference is that health coaches guide clients to find their own solution.
For example, let’s look at weight loss. A doctor tells a client to eat more vegetables in order to lose weight. The doctor’s advice will work on paper, but a client may struggle with it. However, a health coach may think about mental health and ask more questions. The client then reveals eating cakes to cope with stress. After knowing the root cause is stress-based, the health coach can then work with their client on stress relief. Losing weight becomes easier for the client once they deal with their stress.
Is Health Coaching Similar to Mental Health Therapy?
Kind of. A health coaching session feels a lot like talk therapy. Likewise, health coaches can use skills known for mental health therapy to help clients. The difference between the two lies in their focus. Health coaching focuses on improving a client’s present habits so they can achieve their goals. Mental health therapy, however, focuses on healing wounds from the client’s past.
Does a Health Coach Replace a Doctor or Therapist?
No, they do not! Health coaches encourage clients to see their doctors and therapists for specialized help. This is because health coaches cannot legally prescribe solutions to clients. The only exception is if your health coach is also your doctor or therapist. As healthcare practitioners, we accept that all of us have a role in improving our client’s health.
If Health Coaches Can’t Give Solutions, Can Anyone Call Themselves One?
Nope! Organizations like the Health Coach Alliance (HCA) are defining standards on what a health coach is and can do. Watch out for those who say they are a health coach, but aren’t members of such organizations. I graduated from the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) in their Holistic Wellness Coach program. This program is Continuing Coach Education (CCE) accredited through the International Coach Federation (ICF). It meets standards for the HCA’s Registered Health Coach (HCA RHC™) designation.
This is Good to Know. Why Should I Work with You?
Why not? If you’ve read this far into my FAQ, now is a good time to ask yourself what YOU want out of health coaching.
I am not the right person for you if you need a quick fix. Also, I am not the best person to work with if you don’t want to put in the effort.
However, if you are serious about overcoming your problems and need someone to support you, let’s talk!
When you invest in health coaching, you are investing in your FUTURE! A future where your health problems do not put you in the hospital. Where you can live your best life as freely as you can! A life that is less ILLness and more WELLness! And to me, that is how you can “BE WONDERFULLY WELL!”
My niche is in burnout and insomnia, because I have suffered from these problems the most on my journey. This doesn’t mean I can’t help you if you have other health problems! I’m a learner for life and I love helping people. If you’re willing to, I’d love to be part of your wellness journey!